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SimageM2M Platform

Vehicle Counting

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SimageM2M helps to make faster and smarter business decisions when it works as a heart of customer traffic analysis solution.

It's rich connectivity options permit to bridge with different people and vehicle counting devices. Once the hardware is connected, integrated data processing tools provided by SimageM2M platform deliver accurate and valuable performance metrics.


  • Real-time entry and exit monitoring

  • Seamless storage of historical data

  • Facility-wide and per-gate entrance/exit stats

  • Zone occupancy for multiple user-defined zones

  • Various statistical reports and charts (entry/traffic rate, etc.)

  • Calculation of complex values (conversion rates, employee performance, etc.)

  • Scheduled report emailing

  • Dynamic facility map for zone occupancy tracking

  • Export of traffic data and reports in multiple formats (XML, Excel, CSV, HTML, etc.)

  • Dashboard views of real-time sensor values or custom calculated data

  • Email, SMS and on-screen alarms based on sensor high/low limits, status, communication problems, and custom expression-based values

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